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Our Pennsylvanians 
  • Penna and our Pennsylvanians . An Overview with many links but not as comprehensive as this index
  • Our Surnames of Penna; [both Swope and Allied and Howard and Allied pertinent, and presented only by Surname introduction] 
  • The Swope and Allied Surnames of Pennsylvania-a Composite Sketch with a list of surnmes providing links to the  first immigrant of each line to Pennsylvania. THe Swope and Allied Pennsylvanians were largely poor and their experience is not greatly different than that of most early Pennsylvanian immigrants
  • The Howard and Allied Surnames of Pennsylvania-a Composite sketch of the Pennsylvanians ascending from the largely Southern Howard and Allied Study with links to surnames by first immigrant of the  Pennsylvanians involved.  The Howard allied Pennsylvanians represents a largely wealthy and influential class of Quakers involved in early Pennsylvania history and development. 
  • European Settlement of Pennsylvania Pages
    Native American Pages: 
  • The Native Americans of Pennsylvania Table of Contents Page
  • Title Page and Subject Introduction.  Page Includes: 
  • Pages Dedicated to Specific Native American Peoples in Pennsylvania History:
  • The  Susquehannock [Iroquoian Language Group]  A once powerful people also known as the Conestoga or Andaste. Page Includes: 
    • Susuehqnnock Pre Contact Region and Brief History
    • The Susquehannock and William Penn
  • The Lenape/Delaware  [ Algonquian Language Group] The Lenape/ Delaware were the first peoples with whom William Penn made treaty, and their role in the Pennsylvania history of our European ancestors spans first contact through to the French and Indian War. Included in this page is 
  • Lenape/Delaware Pre Contact Region and Brief History
  • The Unami   and The Unalactigo. of the Delaware and Introduction to the Munsee [see dedicated page below] 
  • The Wallum Olum , a written oral tradition spanning centuries 
  • The Migration Pattern of the Lenape as a Result of Contact, 
  • The Munsee [ or Minsi ] [Algonquian Language Group ] Often shown a subtribe of the Delaware ,  some historians maintain they were distinct. This is a closely related Algonquian speaking group which also called itself Lenape, and which is traditionally included in the Delaware Nation. Page discusses Precontact region and history, post contact events. 
  • The Shawnee [Algonquian Language Group ]  Originally of the Ohio Valley, later of the American South, Finally of Pennsylvania at the time of Penn's arrival in 1682. Their history in Pennsylvania is tied with the "Grandfathers" the Lenape/Delawre and the Iroquois who chased them from Ohio to the south and back north to Pennsylvania. 
  • The Iroquois Confederacy of Upstate New York  [Iroquoian Language Group] . Page Includes
    • Pre contact History
    • Post Contact History 1640 
    • Ascendancy of Iroquois and their role in Pennsylvania history
    • Chief Shikellemy of the Susquehanna Valley 
  • The Tuscarora of the Iroquois Confederacy [Iroquoian speakers who were dominated by the Iroquois of the League, they migrated north and into Pennsylvania]
  • The Mingo [Iroquoian Language Group] This peoples is more associated with western Pennsylvania. Page includes 
  • Chief Shikellemy''s son , named Chief Logan for our ancestor James Logan, was raised in the susquehanna Valley and so is discussed in this page
  • Major Treaties with the Natives. Includes: 
    • The Treaties 1682-4
    • Treaty of 1627
    • The Walking Purchase
  • James Logan and The Natives  including The Walking Purchase/Sale of 1736/7, the acquisition by treaty of "All lands west of the Susquehanna to the Setting Sun", The Mingos and James Logan, etc. 
  • See also Pennsylvania and the French and Indian War in which the Indian History of the period above set the stage for the terrorizing of the Pennsylvanian frontier and our ancestors within it. 
  • The Europeans Pages
  • A Brief History of European Settlement Penna

  • Colonial Era Numbers, patterns of settlement , Immigrant Groups, Arrival by preferred church
  • Pennsylvania in 1751  brief description of its towns and villages by contemporary traveller 
  • The Germans of Penna 
  • Our Mennonites of Lancaster County 
  • The Scotch Irish of Penna
  • The Scotch and Germans and their Relationship in Penna
  • See Also Historical Pages Index to right



    The Quakers of Pennsylvania in General; Our Quakers

    • William Penn  A few Remarks and alot of Links-this gentleman is NOT part of the genealogical pages
    • James Logan, Penn's Steward in Penna and the writer's 6th G Grandfather. His bio, contributions to Penna history ,  ascendancy , and descendants-a detailed geneological page with significant historical elements and links to pages relevant outside of this website
    • James Logan and The Natives  including The Walking Purchase/Sale of 1736/7, the acquisition by treaty of "All lands west of the Susquehanna to the Setting Sun", The Mingos and James Logan, etc. 


  • The Colony Grows Pages: 
  • Pennsylvania in 1751 [brief contemporaneous description by a European  visitor: population numbers, towns , numbers of homes,  styles described] 
  • Penna & the French & Indian Wars, Its effects on our Forebears of 

  • several counties
    Penna and The Revolution Pages
  • Revolutionary History in Context of our Forebears [
  • York County Penna and the American Revolution The History of York County, Pennsylvania's response and involvement to the American Revolution with links to relevant pages within the vines.
  • Colonel Michael Swope and His Flying Batallion 
  • The Associators of the Revolution 
  • The Pennsylvania Militia, 1777-1783: A Brief History of the Militia 

    The Penn Manors Pages 
  • The Penn Family  Manors  and their Relevancy  to our Pennsylvania  Forebears   [A brief  and general overview] 
  • Manor of Springettsbury  [York, York Co] 
    • Includes a brief History, 
    • The Hostilities involving the manor of Springettsbury and Background to Cressap's War 1731-1736, and 
    • Our Forebears of Springettsbury and their experience there
    Manor of Maske, Deed Transfers Manor of Maske and
    Piney Creek Church serving Manor of Maskes
  • Manor of Maske [York,now Adams Co] [General Gateway Page] 
    • Introduction to Cumberland Township,  the Manor of Maske within it , 
    • 1. Robert McCurdy & our Allied Lines of the Manor of Maske, the reason for continued interest and study 
    • 2. History of the Manor of Maske, Penn's private lands, now part of Cumberland Twp, Adams County, Penna
    • Transcribed text from Samuel Bates' History of Adams County [ includes links to persons documented within  webpages]:
      • 3] Geography, History of Cumberland Twp pertaining to the Manor of Maske
      • 4] The original "Squatters";  their  backgrounds, a description of the group
      • 5] The original Squatters by name, with some ideas on who they were
    • Property Transactions relevant to Robert McCurdy and some of his neighbors, and our allieds or suspected allieds are presented with links to persons within this sutdy at the Manor of Maske Deeds and Transactions page
    • See Also dedicated page Piney Creek Church and its relevance to McCurdys and Allied /Collaterol Famiies. Piney Creek is a presbyterian church found within the Manor of Maske 
      • A) About Piney Creek Church [and its relevance to the genealogic study of this website] 
      • B) McCurdys and their marriages in  Piney Creek marriage records 
      • C) Piney Creek and the Clingans 
      • D) Piney Creek and the Paxtons 
      • E)  Piney Creek Presbyterian Cemetery Thompson and Thomson Graves 
      • F) Record of relevant Surnames and their  relation to Piney Creek [From Frederick County Backgrounds, Biographies]
  • Digges Choice [A Maryland Grant found located in Penna] 
  • Brief History of the Conflict and Settlement of Digges Choice and  Hanover, and Littlestown, Pennsylvania;
  • Our Surnames involved there

    The Pennsylvania Counties of Our Forebears Pages: 

  • Outside Links recommended for Further research on History and Geneology in Penna.[[Many Other Links are provided in each page of this chapter] 

  • All text and Pages of Within The Vines are Copyright© Protected. See Terms of Use

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